Leonard G. Rubin, Shareholder

After fifteen years a sole practitioner, Mr. Rubin joined the firm in January 2021 as a shareholder. Since entering private practice in 1993, Mr. Rubin has represented municipalities in all facets of local government law, including, but not limited to, drafting ordinances, resolutions and contracts and advising clients on a multitude of legal issues, including public records, sunshine law, ethics and procurement. He is well versed in all aspects of land use law, having served as Assistant City Attorney for the City of Pembroke Pines during the post-Hurricane Andrew housing boom in southern Broward County and as City Attorney for the City of Palm Beach Gardens following the MacArthur Foundation’s divestiture of thousands of acres of its real estate holdings for development.

Mr. Rubin has represented both local governments and property owners in code enforcement hearings and appeals, and currently serves as the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate for the Town of Jupiter.

Board certified by the Florida Bar as a specialist in City, County and Local Government Law since 2000, Mr. Rubin was appointed a member of the Florida Bar’s City, County and Local Government Certification Committee, serving as Chair in 2006-07. He has served as the Town Attorney for the Town of Hypoluxo since 1998, and in addition to providing advice and counsel to the firm’s municipal clients, has served as both Town Attorney for the Town of Juno Beach and Village Attorney for the Village of North Palm Beach for over fifteen years.

Mr. Rubin drafted the Unsafe Building Abatement Code for the City of Riviera Beach and oversaw the administration of that Code for over ten years, resulting in the demolition of well over fifty unsafe, dilapidated and unsightly structures throughout the City.

In addition to the foregoing, Mr. Rubin’s selected accomplishments include:

  • Successfully defending a municipality in an appeal from an order denying a claim for attorney’s fees for failing to produce public records (Alston v. City of Riviera Beach, 882 So. 2d 436 (Fla. 4th DCA 2004))
  • Successfully reversing a temporary injunction that prohibited members of a community redevelopment agency from barring the mayor from speaking from the dais (Wade v. Brown, 928 So. 2d 1260 (Fla. 4th DCA 2006))
  • Successfully reversing a court order barring a municipality from enforcing its restrictions on the sale of alcoholic beverages (Village of North Palm Beach v. S & H Foster’s, Inc., 80 So. 3d 433 (Fla. 4th DCA 2012)).
  • Successfully defending a municipality in an appeal from the denial of a special exception application to operate a school within an existing shopping center.
  • Negotiating the phasing out of substance abuse facility that had been operating in a residential neighborhood for many years and requiring construction of a new facility that would become a single-family home after a ten-year amortization period.
  • Assisting in the drafting and overseeing the implementation of a new form-based municipal commercial zoning code to implement a citizen’s master plan and revitalize aging commercial corridors.

Mr. Rubin has been awarded the Florida Super Lawyer designation by Thomson Reuters, given to no more than five percent of the attorneys in the State of Florida, for ten years.

Mr. Rubin earned his law degree, with honors, from the University of Florida and his undergraduate degree, cum laude, from Duke University. Prior to entering private municipal practice, Mr. Rubin served as a law clerk for the Hon. Hugh S. Glickstein of the Fourth District Court of Appeal.

Leonard G. Rubin VCard

Torcivia, Donlon, Goddeau & Rubin, P.A. offers its services to clients throughout Florida, including those located in Palm Beach County, Martin County, St. Lucie County, Indian-River County, Broward County, and Miami-Dade County.

© 2025 Torcivia, Donlon, Goddeau & Rubin, P.A.
701 Northpoint Parkway, 209, West Palm Beach, FL 33407
| Phone: 561-686-8700

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